
It was cool!. Мудрый совет. Выпуск 58

Учащиеся средней школы имеют достаточно знаний и умений, чтобы самостоятельно читать и говорить по-английски на уровне Intermediate. Проблема не в недостаточном словарном запасе и не в отсутствии материалов. Главное – мотивация.

Pre-. Questions The verb , , should be explained. Usually the children know the noun and get confused by the verb, or do not even recognize it. , both as noun and verb, can be easily demonstrated or drawn on the board.  Show them a picture of any ladder and explain the difference between . You may also introduce a humorous note and ask them to suggest a Russian modern equivalent for the universal English

Скоро начнутся самые длинные летние каникулы. Как сделать так, чтобы дети не забыли весь изученный материал за лето, чтобы они по-английски читали, искали интересные сведения в англоязычном сегменте интернета, использовали любые возможности для общения на языке?

Предлагаю в мае провести необычный урок. Его задачи:

– закрепить навыки говорения,

– мотивировать к самостоятельному поиску нужной информации,

– подготовить сообщение о своих результатах.

Не все школьники летом поедут за рубеж или в языковой лагерь; не все родители знают иностранный язык и/или понимают важность его изучения в наше время. Давайте возьмем тему «Парк развлечений» и поищем что-то необычное, увлекательное для детей в новостях. Вы можете либо написать на доске несколько новых слов и их перевод, либо предложить учащимся самостоятельно найти их значение в «старинных» бумажных словарях или в сети.


Level: Intermediate; age: 11-14.

Skills: Reading; writing; speaking.

Equipment: Computers, or any e-devices with web access.

Time: 1-2 lessons, depending on your class level.

Pre-Reading: Discussion.

Questions to the class:

1)      Have you ever visited an amusement park? If you have, did you like it? If you haven’t, would you like to do it?

2)      What would you like to see and do? Which rides, attractions and exhibitions would you like to visit? Why?

3)      Would you like to visit such a place with your family or with your friends? Why?

Reading. Understanding the information

An accident happened in April 2017 at “Six Flags Great Adventure” amusement park in Maryland, USA. One of the biggest rides stopped suddenly and twenty four people were stuck on top in one of the giant loops. Luckily they were not upside down! Fire fighters were called in. They used long ladders and brought all the visitors to safety. Several children were among the saved. Their comment? “It was cool!”

Post-reading. Discussion

In pairs or small groups, let your class discuss the following question: are they ever scared by any attractions? Which rides do they consider dangerous? Which they would like to try?


Write 2-3 sentences about your favourite attraction. Use the new words from the text.

Extension. Independent web research

Use the web to search for some other unusual news. Make a list of risky situations and stories with a happy ending.

Alternately, you may search for professions which help keep people safe, like fire fighters, medics, policemen. Make a short presentation for the class.

Teacher Notes, Answer Keys and Recommendations

Pre-Reading. Questions

Any answers should be accepted. If your students do not have any experience with amusement parks, be ready to distribute some pictures or show them some parks online. Encourage them to build full sentences when speaking.

You may show a picture of a ride or slide, and explain to your students that in Russia these rides are usually called американские горки, but in English they are called roller coasters.

The verb stick, stuck, stuck should be explained. Usually the children know the noun stick and get confused by the verb, or do not even recognize it. Loop, both as noun and verb, can be easily demonstrated or drawn on the board.  Show them a picture of any ladder and explain the difference between a ladder and the stairs. You may also introduce a humorous note and ask them to suggest a Russian modern equivalent for the universal English cool.

Allow five minutes for preparing some answers. Let every student express their opinion and encourage them to compare the answers. Have one or two students make notes on the board for the class to see when the short discussion is over. You may get a list or just one item.

This exercise may be done in the classroom or as homework. If they manage to compose a few sentences correctly, be sure to praise each student.

Extension. Web research

Show one or two news items to your students, or make your own retelling if the language is too difficult for them. You may use or search engines and news sites. It is better to choose stories with a happy ending because children have high anxiety levels today. A positive story with a happy ending raises their spirits. Check that they understand the content. Be sure to stress the fact that they can now understand most of the news item which is described in English. Suggest that they watch out for some unusual positive news during the summer and take notes in English. Tell them that any student who comes back to school in September with a nice short story about a real event and a short presentation or report will get a good mark. Explain that if they travel with their family or go to a language camp, it is all right to use their own experiences for an oral report. If they spend their summer at home tell them that it is all right to use an episode from a book or a TV show.

This approach may ensure that your Intermediate level students use their English skills in summer and motivate them for further studies. Rather than bore them with the traditional school task writing a composition “How I Spent My Summer”, give them some freedom and thus provide extra motivation.

Нина Коптюг, кандидат филологических наук, Новосибирск

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