В концепции модернизации российского образования одними из основных направлений названы деятельный подход и непрерывность самообразования. Формирование умения самостоятельно оценивать предложенную информацию – очень важный элемент образовательного процесса. Самое ценное в этом подходе то, что ученики не позволяют себе быть пассивными в предложенной ситуации. Умения управлять полученной информацией и конструировать свое мнение, а также высокую мотивацию к обучению школьники получают, овладев критическим мышлением.
В основе критического мышления лежит базовый дидактический цикл, в который входят три стадии обучения:
Вызов – активизация ранее имевшихся знаний.
Осмысление – осмысленная работа учащихся с текстом.
Рефлексия – размышление.
Этапы развития критического мышления как образовательного процесса на уроке
Stage 1
Цель: ознакомление.
Задача: формирование умения размышлять над предложенной проблемой через обсуждение примеров из личного опыта.
Stage 2
Цель: построение концепции.
Задача: формирование умения самостоятельно оценивать предложенную информацию.
Stage 3
Цель: совместное взаимодействие.
Задача: стимулировать дальнейшее мышление, вовлекая учащихся в процесс обмена идеями.
Stage 4
Цель: систематизация полученных знаний.
Задача: переосмысление собственных представлений с учетом полученных знаний.
Проанализируем этапы образовательного цикла на конкретном примере.
Урок в 9 классе по теме: “In the public eye”
(подтема: “The importance of feeling beautiful and the beauty inside us”)
Цель урока: Ориентация на формирование развития навыков и умений иноязычной речи.
Задачи урока:
– Развивать критическое мышление по поставленной проблеме.
– Стимулировать, направлять и развивать познавательный процесс учащихся.
– Воспитывать цивилизованную личность, культуру мышления, чувств и поведения.
Работа начинается со знакомства с темой и повторения ранее усвоенных знаний. Это этап вызова по технологии обучения критическому мышлению. На этой стадии в памяти учеников актуализируются имеющиеся знания и представления об изучаемой проблеме. Для этого учащимся предлагается, смотря на предложенные снимки и, используя искусство чтения по чертам лица, попытаться описать характеры некоторых персонажей. Им необходимо использовать как можно больше слов, относящихся к характеру и манере поведения.
На этапе осмысления учащиеся знакомятся с новой информацией, систематизируют ее и формулируют собственное отношение к ней. Для этого ученикам предлагается новый текст, соотнесенный с тематикой урока и сопровождаемый письменно-речевыми упражнениями.
Face value (Body Talk)
Most leading actresses think airbrushing is the ideal way to maintain the illusion of perfect looks. Kate Winslet does not agree.
Kate is an Oscar-winning movie actress and celebrated beauty. She first came to fame when she starred in the film Titanic opposite Leonardo di Caprio. The image of her standing, arms out, at the front of the ship is familiar to millions of us. But Kate believes that today’s media is giving us a totally false idea of what a normal woman should look like. That’s why, unlike most other celebrities, she refuses to let anyone touch up her photos to remove wrinkles, to zap spots, to make her legs look longer or for any other reason.
Kate is extremely comfortable with the way she looks and likes being normal.”I’m not perfect”, she insists, “and I don’t want to be seen as someone who is. I hate the idea that women in films are perfect because they have some kind of secret beauty that nobody else has. I’ll tell you a secret. The reason that women in films are perfect is because we’ve all been through three-and-a-half hours of hair and make-up!”
Kate grew up in a town not far from London. Both of her parents were actors. Times were hard but although there wasn’t much money around, there was plenty of love. From the earliest time she can remember, she wanted to be an actress. Other kids at school wanted to be air hostesses or hairdressers but acting was the only career she could contemplate. She wasn’t star-struck or over-assertive. She just knew what she wanted to do.
It was while making the film Titanic that Kate became aware of another Hollywood hang-up – body shape. Some of the people who saw her on screen suggested she had a weight problem. She didn’t agree. She’s not skinny, of course, but she’s not fat either – just naturally curvy with broad shoulders.
‘I didn’t think I was overweight at all’ she says. ‘I mean I know I’ll never be a stick, but in order for me to be really thin, I mustn’t eat anything – and I’m not prepared to do that. I’ve always just been myself, and I thought I looked OK.
Kate thinks it’s wrong for women to be forced to conform to an image that is unrealistic and unhealthy. And she is convinced that men don’t like ultra-skinny, bony women anyway. Her decision to speak out on such matters surprised a lot of people in the celebrity world, but Kate doesn’t care about that. Most people respect her down-to-earth attitude, and her actor friends like, Johnny Depp, love her for it. That’s why she has become a perfect role model to thousands of women who want to look good without becoming stick thin.
Teacher: Match the words in bold and their definitions, as in the example.
1) Maintain
1 – k
a. To be completely sure about something
2) Totally
b. Without any faults or bad points
3) Wrinkle
c. An important event or subject that you must think about or deal with
4) Extremely
d. The form of something
5) Perfect
e. A line in someone’s skin
6) Make-up
f. The jobs that you do in your life
7) Career
g. very
8) Over-assertive
h. Someone who is very slim
9) Shape
i. Self-confident
10) Skinny
j. Substances that people put on their faces to make themselves look more attractive
11) be convinced
k. To make something continue in the same way
12) matter
l. completely
Teacher: Which words does the author use to describe Kate’s character. What do they mean?
Teacher: Decide, please, if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1) The number of leading actresses satisfied with their looks.
2) Kate is sure that the celebrities have got some kind of secret beauty
3) For many film stars it is necessary to look excellent when they are on the covers of glossy magazines
4) Kate Winslet eats everything without thinking of any health risks
5) This actress is respected by her colleagues for her down-to-earth attitude
На стадии рефлексии (размышления) учащиеся закрепляют новые знания.
Teacher: There are some questions and answers. You should match them to each other.
1) Why do we think that the eyes are the window of the soul?
2. Why are both men and women more preoccupied, more anxious about being beautiful these days?
3) Why shouldn’t we trust appearances?
4) In what orders should we give details when describing physical appearance?
5) What can be clothes for us?
6) Many celebrities are lucky to live the life they do today. What is the main problem of being a famous person?
7) What can help us to be successful?
a) The reasons why it is so important are deeply rooted in the human psychology and are the product of hundreds of years of revolution.
b) Having a strong will and a great desire to achieve our goals and work very hard.
c) They don’t have any privacy and try to hide from public.
d) Very often we can tell a person’s character by looking at their eyes.
e) People can be very different from what they seem to be on the outside.
f) It can reveal a lot about a person’s life, character and status.
g) Height, build, age, complexion, face, hair, eyes, nose, lips, special features.
Таким образом, школьники выдают уже собственную интерпретацию, включая в нее новые представления о теме.
Ягут Султанова, учитель английского языка средней школы №1220 Москвы
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