
Требуется кошачий психоаналитик. Урок на тему «Будущая профессия» в рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ. 11-й класс

Оборудование: компьютеры; доступ к Всемирной сети; электронная доска. Продолжительность: два урока. Один урок на работу с материалом, второй – на выступления с сообщениями в классе.

Уровень знаний учителя: английский язык; ИКТ.

Полезные интернет-адреса: – интернет-энциклопедия,,, – поисковые порталы,, – сайты с аудиофайлами, – популярный видеосайт.

Многие из перечисленных сайтов знакомы учащимся, однако они не всегда используют их с учебными целями. Учителю рекомендуется поработать самостоятельно с данными сайтами, выбрать нужные материалы, а затем раздать ученикам адреса и предложить прослушать небольшие тексты по теме. На сайте легко выбрать видеоролик на 2-3 минуты и посмотреть его вместе с классом в конце урока.

Комментарий. Урок по данной теме может быть включен в учебный план четвертой четверти, во время интенсивной подготовки к итоговому экзамену. Выбранные в Интернете небольшие опорные тексты о популярных сегодня профессиях – работник в сфере экотуризма, психоаналитик для животных – наверняка окажутся новыми для учеников выпускных классов и вызовут у них улыбку. Свежий материал и необычный взгляд на привычную тему помогут ребятам закрепить навыки говорения, чтения, прослушивания и письма по теме.


Paper 1. Reading.

Task 1. Read the following text and choose the most suitable title.

In English, all the jobs are traditionally divided into the following categories:

1) White collar jobs. People who work in offices or professional jobs, like teachers, scientists, government officials, journalists.

2) Blue collar jobs. People who do hard or dirty work with their hands, like construction workers, builders, drivers, cleaners.

3) Pink collar jobs. This is often used about professions where you may find a lot of women, like secretaries, waitresses, clerks.

4) Green collar jobs. This is a new term used today to describe some jobs connected with ecology, energy saving, pollution.

A lot of old and new professions do not seem to fall into any of those categories, like actors, film directors, internet providers, IT specialists. And there are many new jobs which did not exist a few years ago.

A) My Future Job. B) Popular Professions. C) Jobs Classification.

Task 2. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with a word from the list below.

Eco Tourism Director

Traditional hospitality careers are reacting to the ecotourism (1) … According (2) … the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is growing at three times the rate of traditional (3) …, increasing annually up to 30 percent. If you wish to work in this field, you will need a degree in hospitality, (4) …, or tourism. If you already have a job in the tourism industry, why not train to manage a hotel, bed and breakfast, spa, or resort with a graduate degree in business or hospitality? The majority of (5) … are self-employed professionals. Top earners in 2007 averaged $83,240 for the year.

Travel, popularity, vacations, managers, to

Paper 2. Writing.

Task 1. You are going to read a short text about a popular modern profession. Write a similar text about a profession you would like to choose after school.

Pet Psychologist

When your pet is acting strangely, you take it to a vet. Sometimes, when there is nothing wrong with your pet, you may need to call in a trained, certified pet psychologist. As with human patients, pets can be analyzed and taught to act contrary to destructive impulses. To get into the field, you’ll need a master’s or doctorate degree in psychology, preferably with additional work in zoology and animal behavior. Salaries can be up to $90,000 a year.

Task 2. Read the text below and insert one word into every gap.

When we use the Internet, we get a lot of (1) ……. Some of the stories we read may seem funny, others very (2) …………… Today, we can also listen (3) ………. songs, speeches, watch the news and films on the web. We can download a (4) ………. of files and save them on our computer for personal use. The Internet also allows us to connect with (5) ………….. in any place very fast. Young people today (6) …………… a lot of time in chat-rooms, google-talk, skype and other services. The Internet is a constantly developing tool.

Part 3. Speaking.

1) Introduce yourself: your name, age, school.

2) Talk about your future profession. What would you like to do when you finish school?

3) What are the qualities needed for your future profession?

4) With a partner, discuss today’s most popular professions.


Task 1. C)

Task 2. 1 -popularity; 2- to; 3 – vacations; 4 – travel; 5 – managers

Task 1. Encourage students to write a paragraph about their chosen profession in their own words.

1 – information, data; 2 – strange; 3 – to; 4 – lot; 5 – friends, people; 6 – spend.

Нина КОПТЮГ, учитель английского языка, Новосибирск

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