
“Traditions of Great Britain: The History of the Afternoon Tea”. Заседание клуба “Drink Tea and Study English”

Внеклассная работа, как известно, способствует более глубокому овладению иностранным языком. Для лучшей реализации творческих возможностей детей, снятия языкового барьера и повышения уровня обученности школьников учитель английского языка из Новороссийска Лариса Илюхина разработала программу творческого объединения «Drink Tea and Study English» («Пей чай и изучай английский»). Необычное название клуба объясняется просто – заседания-уроки проходят в непринужденной обстановке, за чашкой чая, налитого из чайника, оформление которого соответствует теме собрания. А настоящие английские заварочные чайники взяты из коллекции директора гимназии Татьяны Аветовны Меркуловой.


совершенствование навыков устной речи (монологическая, диалогическая формы), развитие творческого восприятия, привитие эстетических чувств, изучение английского языка через прикладное  искусство (предмет обихода –  чайники).


1) совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования (извлечение конкретной информации);

2) пополнение знаний  по теме, активизация английского вокабуляра в целом и в частности  лексики по теме «Traditions of Great Britain: The History of the Afternoon Tea»;

3) совершенствование грамматических навыков (сослагательное наклонение,              видовременные формы глаголов действительного залога).

Оборудование: компьютерный экран, проектор, демонстрационный материал (английские коллекционные чайники и чашки, коробочки с чаем английского производства), дидактический материал, презентация, выполненная в «Power Point».

Ход заседания

1. Организационный момент. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Good morning my dear friends! I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please and, if you’re ready, let’s start.


If you look at the screen, you’ll see the theme of our meeting. It is devoted to one of the English   traditions – drinking tea and to the afternoon tea, in particular. Tea is the world’s most commonly drunk liquid. Why is it so popular among people?

Pupil 1: Stimulating blood system it helps people wake up in the morning and keep activity during the day.

Pupil 2: To my mind it’s because of that tea is a pleasant hot liquid which kaleidoscope of flavour helps us be energetic and cheerful.

Teacher: That’s right.

\”If you are cold, tea will warm you;

if you are depressed, it will cheer you;

if you are excited, it will calm you.“, said  William Gladstone.

I’d like to read you some other famous expressions about tea. Here they are.

Ребята изучают выражения, появившиеся на мультимедийном экране.

Teacher: On the screen you can see tea-related expressions. Let’s learn them and then check your memory.

Teacher: If you are ready, match the expressions and their meanings, please.

Teacher: Please make up your own situations with these expressions.

Ученики составляют мини-ситуации с предложенными выражениями.

2. Совершенствование грамматических навыков (сослагательное  наклонение).

Teacher: Please, look at the grammar table to revise the rule and then use 3 types of subjunctive mood to say what these people are thinking about.

Teacher: Fill in the appropriate form of the verb in the left column, please.

Упражнение выполняется в режиме интерактивной доски.

Teacher: The next task is to translate from Russian into English.

3. Совершенствование навыков устной речи (монологическая, диалогическая формы).

Teacher: Please, learn the new words and conversational phrases.

Teacher: Speak about your visit to a restaurant, a café or to your friend using the new words.

Используется раздаточный дидактический материал  – cards.

A. Offer something to your guest (a little more bacon, a cup of strong tea, some more dessert):

– Would you like some salmon?

– Yes, please. It looks nice and it smells delicious.

B. Ask somebody to pass you: the butter, a piece of bread, the sugar, the cheese, the marmalade.

C. Read the dialogues in pairs. These word combinations will help you:

Come on – давай (ешь)

I’m supposed to be slimming –  мне нужно худеть.

You can manage it – ты вполне осилишь это.

Room – место

To put on pounds – прибавить в весе

To please – угождать

A piece of meat pie – кусочек пирога с мясом

To tempt – искушать, соблазнять

To be on a diet – быть на диете.

I. A.: Wouldn’t you like to finish up omelet?

B.: No, really, thank you. I can’t eat any more.

A.: Come on now. Surely you can manage it.

B.: No, thank you, really. I must have put on pounds as it is.

II. A.: Another piece of meat pie?

B.: No, thanks really. I’m on a diet.

A.: Please do. You’ve hardly eaten anything.

B: It’s delicious, but I don’t think I ought to.

III. A.: Do you have the rest of an apple pie?

B.: No, thank you. I’ve had too much already.

A.: Just take it to please me.

B.: OK, but only a small piece or I shan’t have room for any pastry.

IV. A.: You must have some more chicken.

B.: No, thanks. I’m supposed to be slimming.

A.: Can’t I tempt you?

B.: Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece.

D. Reproduce the dialogues in the following way:

I. T.: Another piece of apple pie? (meat pie; cake; ham; cabbage pie)

P: (Any B 1 phrase)

T.: Please do. You’ve hardly eaten anything.

P.: (Any B 2 phrase)

II. Model: Wouldn’t you like to finish up pudding?

Do have the rest of the ham.

Substitute: the fruit salad; the chicken; the caviar; the meat pie

III. The hostess offers you something. Refuse it.

Model: You must have  some more salad.

You are offered: one more helping of omelet; another piece of apple pie; some more bananas; another cup of tea.

Make up your own dialogues with the following situations.

Детям предлагаются ситуации.

Teacher: And now listen to a joke “The English Tea”.

Once a gentleman as having breakfast in an English hotel. He took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter, “Water, is this tea or coffee?”.

The waiter said, “Can’t you tell the difference, sir, by the taste?”

“No,” the man said, “I can’t”.

“Well,” answered the waiter, “if you can’t tell the difference, what does it matter which it is?”

Teacher: Imagine, you’re the hostess and you tell this joke to your guests.

4. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Teacher: As you remember, the theme of our meeting is the tradition of drinking tea in Great Britain. Do you know how tea arrived in England? Then read the text and fill in the gaps with the clauses given below.

Tea Arrives in England

The first samples of tea reached England between 1652 and 1654, and it became popular enough to replace ale 1.——————. As in Holland, it was the nobility that gave tea its stamp of approval. Both King Charles ll and his wife, the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza were both tea drinkers. And, 2.——————-, tea mania swept through England just as it had the other countries.

As a matter of fact, prior to the introduction of tea into Britain, breakfast and dinner were the two meals     3.——————–. But it didn\’t take long before Anna, 4.—————–, adopted the European tea service format and invited friends to join her in an afternoon meal.  The menu centered around small cakes, sandwiches, assorted sweets and, of course, tea. This practice proved so popular 5.—————- that invited them to her London home for Tea Time and a walk in the fields. Likewise, this idea was copied by other hostesses and serving tea became a common thread for almost all families in England. Tea was made in a heated silver pot and brought to the guests and was served in the finest porcelain from China. The food, 6.———————-, was also served on the fine china.  The tradition became most pleasant!

At this time, two types of tea services emerged, which are called High and Low. Low Tea was served in the homes of wealthy aristocrats and consisted of simple gourmet tidbits rather than regular meals. At these teas, the emphasis was on the presentation and conversation. For the middle and lower classes, High Tea was considered the main meal of the day and featured meats, vegetables and, naturally, tea.

A. that soon she was sending friends notes

B. as England\’s national drink

C. the Duchess of Bedford

D. although tea prices were kept fairly high

E. that were commonly served

F. which almost always included most desired crumpets, wafer thin crust less sandwiches and shrimp and fish pates

The Keys:

1. B

2. D

3. E

4. C

5. A

6. F

5. Пополнение знаний  по теме, развитие творческого восприятия, привитие эстетических чувств и изучение английского языка через прикладное  искусство

Teacher: There are some very beautiful expensive English teapots on the table. They are from the collection of teapots belonging to our Headmistress Merkulova Tatiana Avetovna.  Could you tell us about the history of creating teapots?

Pupil 1: In the earliest history of tea drinking, leaves were simply boiled in open pans. The fashion for covered pots, that allowed the leaves to infuse and keep the liquor hot, was introduced by the Ming Dynasty. The teapots that were brought from China by the Dutch were small with broad bases and wide spouts. The Dutch reproduced the heat-resistant pots until the late 1670s. Two of the Netherlands’ most successful potters, the Elers brothers, settled in Staffordshire and established the English pottery industry.

Teacher: Please, choose some of the teapots and speak how the person imprinted on it connected with the drinking tradition. Let’s start with this one.

Pupil 2: One of Queen Victoria’s ladies-in-waiting, Anna Maria Stanhope (1783-1857), the 7th Duchess of Bedford, also took part in popularizing afternoon tea. The Duchess always found she was hungry by late afternoon because the noon meal had become very light. As a solution, her servants brought her tea and such tasty things as cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, sweets. Everything was elegantly plated and served on low tables, like our coffee tables. The plan was such a success she invited friends to join her at five o\’clock in her rooms at Belvoir Castle. Hostesses throughout England quickly followed this afternoon \”low\” tea as a social ritual.

During the latter part of the Victorian era’s Industrial Revolution, working families returned home at night totally exhausted. In contrast to the Duchess and her friends, these tables were casually set with affordable meats, bread, butter, pickles, cheese and, of course, tea. Because it was eaten at a high, dining table rather than low tea tables, it was termed \”high\” tea.

Teacher: Here is another teapot. Whose portraits can you see and what do you know about

these people?

Pupil 3: These are the portraits of King Henry VIII, his first wife Catherine of Aragon who was his brother’s widow. She was a beautiful Spanish princess, clever and a true friend of her husband. But after ten years of marriage Catherine of Aragon gave him only a daughter Mary, but failed to give him a son. Henry VIII thought that without an heir England would be week and had civil wars again. So he divorced her in spite of Pope’s refusal and after breaking away from the Catholic Church and making himself the Supreme Head of his new Church of England. On the other sides of the teapot we can see the portraits of his other five wives:

Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Ann Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr. All in all Henry VIII left three children: Mary by Catherine Aragon, Elizabeth, the greatest Queen Elizabeth I in future by Anne Boleyn and Edward, the Prince of Wales, by Jane Seymour.

Pupil 4: As for me, I’d like to tell you some words about Tower Bridge. You can see it on this teapot.

The Tower Bridge is in London, England, over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London.

The bridge consists of two towers which are tied together at the upper level by means of two walkways. In 1977 it was painted red, white and blue for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. Before this, it was painted a chocolate brown colour.

Tower Bridge is sometimes mistakenly referred to as London Bridge, which is the next bridge upstream. As for the old London Bridge, it was sold and shipped to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, the USA.

Teacher: Well, you’ve found very interesting information about teapots, famous people and sights of London. Besides, we’ve tasted different types of tea. What sorts of tea do you like most of all?

Pupil 5: To my mind: Strawberry and cream” from “Hilltop collection is the best. I’m fond of its flavour. Besides, I like the berries very much.

Pupil 6: As for me, I find “Hyleys” rather tasty too. I’ve drunk two cups of this tea with great pleasure and I’d like my relatives also to drink it. And of course, if I go to London next year I’ll buy it as a present for my mother.

Pupil 2: Well, I’ve tasted all these sorts of tea too. However, the most favourable for me is “Williamson Tea”. I would recommend it to my parents and friends”.

Teacher: Well, I can’t but agree with all of you. The tea is strong enough. It’s very fresh and tasty and, of course, we need more such tasty things as sweets, a cake, and delicious sandwiches. And within this I’d like you to find information and next time tell us about English food. Moreover, you may not only describe the dish but prepare it for our meeting.

Besides, the other day you had an excursion to our W. Shakespeare’s Corner.

That’s why the second task is to be ready to speak about the great English poet W. Shakespeare, whose portrait we can see on this teapot.

That’s enough for today. You have worked hard but I don’t think you are tired because of such fresh and tasty English tea. Let’s thank our Headmistress Tatiana Avetovna for it.

The lesson is over. Good bye. See you next Friday.

Лариса Илюхина, учитель английского языка гимназии №1 города Новороссийска, участница XII конкурса «Сто друзей»

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