
Будьте оптимистами! Урок на тему «Здоровый образ жизни»

Цели урока: систематизирование знаний по основополагающим понятиям темы «Здоровый образ жизни», совершенствование лексических навыков на уровне фразы и сверхфразового единства, расширение словарного запаса по теме, формирование целостного представления о понятии «здоровый образ жизни» и личностного отношения к нему. Оборудование: видео- и аудиомагнитофоны, телевизор, макет «дерева жизни», рисунки на тему «Вредные привычки», «Здоровый образ жизни», раздаточный дидактический материал для индивидуальной и групповой работы, маркеры, эмблема «Двуликий Янус», черно-белые кружки для рефлексии содержания урока, коричневые и зеленые листочки для рефлексии настроения.

Ход урока

Учитель: Good morning! Sit down.

Ученики: Good morning!

Учитель: How are you today?

Ученики (здесь и далее приводятся предполагаемые ответы детей): Fine. Well. All right. Not bad.

Учитель: I’m glad you’re well today. Agree that everyone wants to be well, to be happy. What comes to your mind when you think about a happy life?

(Teacher writes the words (thoughts) on the board):







Учитель: Everything you’ve mentioned is important. But what comes first?

Will you change or prove your opinion after the story I’m going to tell you?

( Teacher switches the tape with the sounds of the birds’ singing).

Ones upon a time

There lived the noble king.

Firstly he was fine

And brave and used to win.

He loved his magic garden tree,

A symbol of his life,

He felt self-confident, was free

Being rude to others and his


The king was rich and he

had got

A lot of faithful friends…

He ate lot and drank,

And lighting cigarette became

his own brand,

And laziness, indifference were

coming nearby him,

The king forgot about his role

How to reign and to win.

He thought he was a happy man

Just up the time when he…

Became the weakest in that land

Or in the world may be…

He asked for doctors, mixtures,


And noticed one day…

The tree started loosing

all its leaves

Becoming dry and bare.

What was the reason?

What had happened

To that amazing magic tree?

I think together we can answer,

And we shall help the tree,

you’ll see.

Учитель: Why do you think the tree started loosing its leaves?

Was the king a happy man? Why?

Ученики: The king has lost his health because of having some bad habits. He started following an unhealthy way of life. As the tree symbolized the king’s life (and the life became unhealthy) it started loosing its leaves.

Учитель: That’s right. Can we see such «kings» around us?

Ученики: A lot of.

Учитель: To describe them we need some words.

(Students stand up and do phonetic gymnastics).

Breathe in. Breathe out (2 times).

Breathe in. Breath out on «P», «T», «K».

Breathe in. Breathe out on «B», «D», «G».

Let’s pronounce the words and word combinations together.

to smoke; to take drugs; to drink alcohol; aggressive

Учитель: Guess what they mean.

курить; принимать наркотики; пить спиртные напитки; агрессивный

Учитель: Describe those people.

Ученики: Those people are aggressive because of the influencing of some bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs. They think they are free but their bad habits affect their life greatly…

Учитель: Is the situation dangerous?

Ученики: It is.

Учитель: Look right.

(The information is presented on the walls.)

Statistics says: in 2005 the population in this country was145 ml. people, but in 2050 it will be only 102 ml. people. People suffer from different diseases. Let’s pronounce them.

Heart brain; blood diseases; cancer; pneumonia; cough.

Учитель: What is the way out? What to do?

Ученики: To follow a healthy way of life.

(Teacher opens the hidden sign «HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE» on the tree.)

Учитель: This tree (a symbol of the healthy way of life) will be dry and bare until we get to know…

In other words what the components of the healthy way of life are.

Look at the emblem of Double-faced Janus. Let the white side of his face be for the healthy way of life and the black one – for the unhealthy way of life. And it will be the emblem of our today’s lesson. At the end of the lesson you will make the choice which way of life to choose and show me the white or the black sides of little emblems which are on your tables.

Учитель: What does a dying tree need to live?

Ученики: It needs water.

Учитель: And we need some collective work to help the tree and to find out some of the components of the healthy way of life.

(The tasks are written on the «pails».)

Учитель: Form a group and choose the task (the pail)you want.

Follow the plan which is given to you. You will work for 5 minutes.

Present the results of your work. Prove that it is right.

Ученики: A healthy way of life is…

1) …going in for sports;

2) …keeping to a healthy diet;

3) …demonstrating an active life position.

Учитель: Does the menu suit the name of the restaurant «We Are What We Eat»?

What other bad habits influence people’s life?

(All the answers are presented on the «roots» of the tree and fastened to the tree.)

Учитель: Have we helped the tree a little? What do you know now?

Ученики: A healthy way of life is going in for sports; keeping to a healthy diet; demonstrating an active life position.

Учитель: Look at the picture and say what the girl is thinking about?

Ученики: She is thinking about which way of life to choose: to be under the pressure of bad habits or to meet friends and go in for sports, to live an interesting active life based on love and understanding, to enjoy nature, to have a friendly family.

Учитель: What can we add to our tree (to the components of the healthy way of life)?

Ученики: Love to people, to nature.

Учитель: Do you love nature?

Ученики: Yes, we do.

Учитель: Enjoy nature.

(A relaxation pause.)

Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.

(Students hear the sounds of laugh.)

How do you feel now?

Ученики: Much better now. We have a lot of positive emotions.

Учитель: Do they affect our health positively?

Ученики: Absolutely.

Учитель: Add the «root» to the tree. Do you agree that sometimes our health depends on the way we watch the world?

Ученики: It is absolutely so.

Учитель: Who is «an optimist»?… «a realist»?… «a pessimist»?

Ученики: An optimist is a person who sees positive sides of life, who believes in future and hopes for the best.

A realist sees the good and the bad sides of life and tries not to worry about the things that may never happen.

A pessimist always worries about the things that may never happen and sees the black side of the world.

Учитель: What is better for our health to be an optimist or a pessimist?

Ученики: An optimist.

Учитель: We may add «optimism» to our tree. Have a look at our tree. Now it is green and healthy. What is a healthy way of life?

Ученики: A healthy way of life is to go in for sports, to keep to a healthy diet, an active life position, positive emotions and optimism.

Учитель: What way of life do you follow?

Mark how often you do this or that activity in the table. If you see the problem, use the red marker to underline it.

Copy out the problem if you have and write a plan of improving your health. It’ll be your prolong home task to follow the plan.

Students work with the plan. Give their variants.

Учитель: When to begin improving our health?

Ученики: We should start improving our health today.

Учитель: If you’re ready to follow the healthy way of life show me the white side of your circles, if not – the black one. I’m glad you understand which way to choose. Complete the table to understand how successful you were at today’s lesson.

Thank you for your work. It was well done. Mark your mood with the green or brown leaf and fasten it to the tree.

Good bye!

Ученики: Good bye!

Светлана КАПРАЛОВА, учитель английского языка, заместитель директора по учебно-воспитательной работе гимназии №44 г. Иванова


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