
Требуются обаятельные и привлекательные. Ролевая игра «Applying for a Job» по курсу «Английский язык как средство делового общения»

Цели. Обучающие: закрепление навыков и умений, необходимых при устройстве на работу: заполнение резюме, заявления о приеме на работу, прохождение собеседования. Развивающие: совершенствование умений оценивать участие одноклассников в коллективной и групповой работе. Воспитательные: приобретение опыта взаимодействия и сотрудничества.

Resources: Lloyd Angela, Preier Anne. Business Communication Games. Oxford University Press, 1996. №28. Equipment: the forms of the curriculum vitae, blind sheets of paper format A4.

You have been learning how to apply for a job at our lessons. Today is an exciting day for you because you are welcome to International Network Agency for a job. You are applicants and you are expected to do the best to be hired. Your teacher is a Human Resources Director. She is in charge of applying people for a job. Follow her instructions to get a job. (Divide your students into 4 groups. Let them help each other within the group.)

2. Read the advertisement from the newspaper, which was given by International Network Agency. Chose the position you will apply for (each group is to choose one of the positions from the advertisement). Fill in the job description with your desk mates. Give some more details asked, but try to be true.

October 6th, 2001.

Receptionist, Interpreter, Research Assistant, Marketing Executive wanted.

Must be able to read, write and speak English.

Sent resume to Mrs.(teacher’s name), Human Resources Director,

International Network Agency, 16 North Road, Berkeley, California 95204.

3. Exchange your job descriptions with another group. Write a letter of application to apply for the position offered you by another group.

Enclose your resume.

4. Change your application letters and resumes with the group that is going to apply you. Look through them carefully and be ready to pass and take an interview: introduce yourself – making small talk is necessary when you are introduced.


Work in groups. Take it in turns to be the Interviewer, the Candidate and the Observer. Allow enough time for each of you to have a turn at being the Applicant. Think of the questions related to the job chosen before.

Interviewer. Ask the Applicant some questions. Avoid asking

Yes/No questions. Perhaps try to give him or her a hard time by asking supplementary questions like this: «Why do you think that? In what way exactly? Can you give me an example of that?»

Applicant. Do your best to answer the questions and try to keep cool!

Observer. As you listen to the Interviewer, make notes on these points: what impression each person gives; if they are nervous, how this affects their performance; if there are many Yes/No questions; what question the Applicant answers well/badly; what advice you would give them for their next real interview.

After playing your roles, discuss your impression, advice something and change your roles. The employers announce which person they would like to hire and why. The applicants tell everybody about their emotions while passing an interview.

5. From each group choose the best person to pass Human Resouces Director’s interview. (Four students are chosen to come up to the teacher to answer her questions.)

– Explain why you are eager to work for International Network Agency.

Give three reasons why we should hire you for a job.



(The teacher thanks the students for their work, collects application letters and resumes).

Home assignment: write what you can about your career prospects; use the information from the lessons of the unit «Applying for a job».

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