
«Golden Mask». Сценарий конкурса актерского мастерства на английском языке

В обучении иностранному языку средствами драматизации незаменима система К.С. Станиславского и ее основополагающий “метод физических действий”. Драматизация превращает предмет в приятное занятие и освобождает изучающих язык от оков страха.

Конкурс «



» рассчитан на участие групп учеников 5-7 классов, которые готовят 4 полилога и исполняют общую песню под музыку телепрограммы КВН. Полилоги взяты из пробного издания учебника Филиппова В.Н. «



-5» и творчески обработаны автором данной работы.

Цели и задачи конкурса

1.  Образовательные:

– Развивать умение учащихся использовать пройденный лексико-грамматический материал в различных речевых ситуациях, в условиях сцены.

– Развивать артистические данные учащихся.

2.  Коммуникативные: развивать у учащихся речевые навыки аудирования и беглого говорения с правильным интонированием, дикцией.

3.  Воспитательные:

– Воспитывать уважение к своей стране и стране изучаемого языка.

– Развивать мотивацию к более глубокому изучению языка.

– Воспитывать толерантное отношение к дружбе между народами, к миру.

– Воспитывать навыки сотрудничества и взаимопомощи на сцене.

– Прививать чувство юмора.

– Способствовать воспитанию самостоятельности в социуме.

4.  Лингвострановедческие: знакомить учащихся с историей, традициями, культурой России и стран изучаемого языка.

Полилоги на английском языке

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear parents! Good afternoon, dear colleagues and students! Glad to see you in this beautiful assembly hall in order to celebrate the end of the school year and to witness a very unusual English lesson – contest “Golden Mask”. Today you are not mere students, you are actors and actresses. You have a good opportunity to show your language skills and actor technique at our today’s drama contest. Let me announce the beginning of the contest “Golden Mask”!

Students on onto the stage and sing the song, composed especially for the contest to music of the popular Russian TV contest КВН (конкурс весёлых и находчивых).

The Contest song

Everybody’s ready to become a famous actor,

Everybody’s ready to enjoy the contest we are having,

I’m Sylvester Stallone!

As for me, I’m Nicole Kidman!

I’m Charlie Chaplin!

We would like to get the “Golden mask”!

We are beginning to contest-

It’s the most important test.

The world’s a very happy place

And it has a smiling face!

We’ve come to live in peace and love

People, animals, star.

And people whether big or small

Mustn’t cry at all!

Teacher: Now I’d like to introduce the members of the jury.

Teacher names the jury and applies to them.

Teacher: I hope they will be strict enough to judge our 4 drama polylogues and to find out who will get the “golden mask” for his actor and language skills.

And now I’d like to invite the presenter of our contest. They are Adel Panova and Rustam Migranov. It’s the first time they have been the hosts of the contest so could you cheer them up?

Presenter 1: People all over the world fight for peace. Our planet Earth is tired of wars. The only dream of all people is to live in peace.

Presenter 2: I’d like to invite the children peace-makers onto this stage. Peace-makers, you are welcome!

A group of students perform the polylogue and finish it with the song “May there always be sunshine”.

Getting to Know Each Other

Tutor: Hallo!    Welcome    to    our country. Are you a delegation of children    peace-makers from different countries?

Chorus: Yes, we are.

Tutor: You all work for   peace, against war.

Chorus: Yes, we do. Everybody does. All over the world.

Tutor: Yes, you are quite right.

Chorus: And who are you? What are you? What do you do here? You speak English fluently.

Tutor: Oh, but I have to. I’m an English teacher. Let me introduce myself. I’m going to be your guide and tutor.

Well, let me have a look at my list. Who is Peter Reeds?

Peter Reeds: That’s me. I am from Leeds, it’s in Great Britain.

Tutor: Hallo! Glad to meet you, Peter.

Peter Reeds: Hallo! Glad to meet you, too. Meet my friend. His name is Paul Norman.

Tutor: You are rather tall, Paul. How old are you?

Paul Norman: I’m eleven.

Tutor: Your hobby must be basket­ball.

Paul Norman: But it isn’t. Pete and I like technical modelling.

Tonie Roman: Fancy that! My hobby is simpler. It’s cooking.

Tutor: And what’s your name, young lady?

Tonie Roman: I’m Tonie Roman, from Dover.

Douglas Luck: As for me, I’m a bad cook, but to make up for it, I can take pictures.

Tutor: A piece of luck!

Douglas Luck: That’s me. Luck is my surname. My first name is Douglas. I’m from London.

Tutor: You must be lucky, Doug. And who is Charles Palmer?

Charles Palmer: That’s me. And this is my sister Darcy. By the way, Darcy knows Russian. She can speak it a little.

Elizabeth Best: Really? What a clever girl!

Tutor: Now, the next one on my list is Albert Turner.

Albert Turner: That’s me. But if you want, you may call me Bert for short. I’m from Perth.

Tutor: Sorry? Perth? Where is that? I think (that) it’s in the USA.

Albert Turner: Oh, no. Perth is a port in Australia. I’ll show it to you on the map.

Tutor: Please tell us something about yourself, Bert.

Albert Turner: Well, I am not interested in learning foreign lan­guages. I like playing foot­ball.

Jane Grace: So do I.

Tutor: Wow! A girl playing foot­ball?!

Jane Grace: Why not? I also like playing the piano and danc­ing. Jane Grace from the USA, from Jamestown, to be exact.

Tutor: And who is Smith? No Smith here?

Richard Smith: I’m sorry, I’m late. Ugh! I hurried so.

Tutor: Poor thing! We feel sorry for you.

Richard Smith: Never mind! Better late than never.

Tutor: But better never late. You are Smith, aren’t you?

Richard Smith: Yes, you are quite right. I am Richard Smith, or sim­ply Dick. My mother usually calls me that.

Tutor: Where are you from, Dick?

Richard Smith: I’m from the city of New York.

Tutor: Another American.

Mary Fair: I’m also from America.

Tutor: Oh, another American!

Mary Fair: You’ve guessed wrong.

Tutor: How come?!

Mary Fair: Mary Fair is my name. I’m from Canada, High Prai­rie.

Catherine Grand: I am from Australia, from Canberra. I am Catherine Grand.

Tutor: I see. Let me introduce the rest. Shirley Short.

Shirley Short: That’s me. I’m from Washington.

Tutor: William Wind!

William Wind: That’s me. I’ve come from Wellington.

Tutor: You mean the capital of New Zealand? Oh, that’s a long way to go. Jack Black!

Jack Black: That’s me. I’m from Kan­sas City.

Tutor: Elizabeth Best!

Elizabeth Best: That’s me. I’ve come from Quebec.

Tutor: Dorothy Fox!

Dorothy Fox: That’s me. I’m from Bos­ton.

Tutor: Now we know each other well. Oh, it’s time for us to leave for the hotel. And this is a nice cheerful song to cheer you up on the way:

May there always be sunshine,

May there always be blue sky

May there always be mummy,

May there always be me!

Presenter 1: Thank you, dear peace-makers. It was really great.  Rustam, have you ever stayed at a hotel?

Presenter 2: No, never. What about you?

Presenter 1: As for me I’ve travelled a lot and I stayed at different hotels. One of them had such an odd name “The Fearless Gopher”.

Presenter 2: Wow! It means “Бесстрашный суслик” in Russian!

A group of students perform the polylogue “Rooms and Surprises”

Tutor: Now we are back here. Will you tell me your room num­bers?

Peter Reeds: I am in 220 together with Paul. It’s on the second floor.

Jane Grace: Betty, Shirley and I are in 330. It’s on the third floor.

Tonie Roman, Darcy Palmer: And our room is… oh, I forget. Let me look at my key. It is 444.

Albert Turner, Charles Palmer: The number of our room is 555.

Tutor: Well, how do you like your rooms?

Mary Fair, Catherine Grand: Ours, number 666, is a dream.

Dorothy Fox: A sweet dream like ice­-cream?

Mary Fair: Even better. We have a bedroom. We have a fantas­tic sitting-room, very light, sunny. We have a balcony.

All: First class? Congratula­tions!

Douglas Luck, Jack Black: And we don’t like our room at all. It’s 888.

Tutor: What’s the matter? (What’s wrong?) Can I help you in any way?

Douglas Luck: I’m afraid, you can’t. You see, the window in our room is so small that I can’t take photos at all. The room is rather dark.

All: What a pity! Poor Doug! Bad luck.

Jack Black: Never mind. To make up for it there is a thick carpet on the floor to roll on.

Tutor: Dolly, what’s up with you? You are looking sad. Is it because your room is bad?

Dorothy Fox: I have no complaints about my room. It is number 999. It’s nice. But — alas! — It is for one. There is nobody to talk to, to laugh with, and to fool around with— no fun. I’d like to change my room.

Tutor: I see. I promise to see to it.

Richard Smith, William Wind: And we have a surprise room, 777.

Paul Norman: Why? Is there a fountain in the middle of it?

Albert Turner: Are there a lot of video games round it?

Jack Black: Is there no door, no ceiling, no walls in it?

Tonie Roman: What is there in your room?

Richard Smith: You’ll never guess. You’d better go and see it.

Shirley Short: I  am  eager  to  see it. What floor is your room on?

Richard Smith: On the second floor, just near the lift, to the left of the staircase. Here we are. Come in, please.

Dorothy Fox: Oh, such a large soft sofa! And a colour TV set opposite it. It’s very convenient.

Albert Turner: Such comfortable armchairs! We can hide behind them when we play hide-and-seek. There is a lot of room here. That’ll be fun!

Mary Fair: But where is the rest of the furniture? A table, a desk, a bookcase, a ward­robe, a fridge? There are no beds here!

William Wind: At   first we   were   also surprised. And then-here they are! – they are all in the wall. That’s where they are.

Douglas Luck: Oh, look, what is here, on the window-sill. Another sur­prise: a picture-book about Indians and some coloured feathers!

Paul Norman: Great! Let’s play Indians!

Jane Grace: We also had a surprise in our room. There was a skip­ping-rope behind the cur­tains.

Catherine Grand: And in our room there’s an aquarium with gold fish.

All: Hurray for pleasant sur­prises!

Presenter 2: Adel, I wish I had also stayed at the hotel “The Fearless Gopher”. Your room   was wonderful. Was the staff of the hotel polite?

Presenter 1: Yes, sure.

Presenter 2: Being polite is perfect but being over polite sometimes does harm. Xenia will tell you one curious story.


Once an American came to Japan. He had a Japanese servant who was very polite. The American wanted to get up early one morning and said to his servant, “Wake me up at six o’clock, please. Don’t forget to do it. It’s very important.”

At six o’clock the servant entered the American’s room very quietly and seeing that the American was sleeping, took a sheet of paper and wrote on it some words. Then he left the room as quietly as he had entered it.

The American woke up at eleven o’clock, jumped out of bed, looked at his watch and saw the sheet of paper on the table. He read, “Dear Sir, it is six o’clock now. Please, get up at once.”

Student 1 is reading, Student 2 and Student 3 are performing the story.

Presenter 2:  Thank you. Adel, what are your favourite subjects at school?

Presenter 1: I like Maths, Russian, Physical Education, Music and especially English. I wish I had our English lessons 7 days a week! (Shows a timetable). Let us watch one of our English lessons!

A group of students performs ”A Lesson Just for Fun”.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear students!

Pupil: Good afternoon, Anastasiya Dmitrievna! (You may call the real name of the student).

Teacher: Who is on duty today?

Pupil: It’s me. It’s easy to say.

Teacher: The blackboard is clean. The board-cleaner is wet. I like that. There`s a piece of chalk here. Thank you, my dear. Everything is ready. It’s good.

Pupil: And everybody’s in a good mood.

Teacher: What’s the date today?

Pupil: Oh, it`s easy to say. It’s the first of April or May.

Teacher: Who is absent?

Pupil: Who isn’t present?

Teacher: Then who is present, tell me, please?

Pupil: That and those, this and these.

Teacher: Open your books on page 4.

Pupil: What for?

Teacher: Why? To read the text.

Pupil: What’s next?

Teacher: Read on, please. That will do.

Pupil: You made a mistake or two.

Teacher: He made a mistake, only one.

Pupil: Little fun.

Teacher: You read “sand” instead of “sung”.

Pupil: That was a slip of the tongue.

Teacher: I give you “good”.

Pupil: And a good mood.

Teacher: You deserve it, no doubt.

Pupil: I’m proud.

Teacher: Let’s do an exercise in writing.

Pupil: Oh, writing is biting!

Teacher: You mean, spelling is your weak point, isn’t it?

Pupil: Yes, a bit.

Teacher: No matter how hard you try? But why?

Pupil: My mistakes are usually slips of the hand. With an unhappy end.

Teacher: Will you correct the mistake in the word “until”?

Pupil: Good, I will.

Teacher: Can you spell “horse”?

Pupil: Of course.

Teacher: Don’t use your fingers for rubbing out.

Pupil: But there’s no board-cleaner about.

Teacher: Quiet! Who’s making noise?

Pupil: The boys.

Teacher: Will you recite the poem now?

Pupil: How?

Teacher: From memory, of course.

Pupil: From bad to worse…

Teacher: For homework I want you to learn it by heart.

Pupil: We’ll instantly start.

Teacher: Hand these notebooks and day-books out.

Pupil: The books we can’t do without.

Teacher: You will record the poem on the tape recorder.

Pupil: lf  it is in order.

Teacher: The lesson is over. There’s the bell.

Pupil: All is well that ends well.

After that Student 1 persuades Student 2 to start learning English and at last she convinces her.

Presenter 2: Anastasia Dmitrievna! Here are some new students in you class!

Teacher:  Excellent! So what are your names, young ladies?

Students say their names.

Teacher: All right, you are welcome to our English class on the first of September!

All of us like holidays. American children like Christmas, Halloween andenia to learn English and at last convince her.  Easter. I like my birthday for instance. By the way it’s on the 8th of November.

Presenter 1: Fancy that! And mine is on the 5th of December. But I like New Year best of all. I wish we had New Year just now! One, two, three! My dream come true!

A theatre group performs ”The New Year is Quite Near”.

The New Year Is Quite Near

Dorothy Fox: Look! It is snowing! What lovely snowflakes! All the ground is covered with snow. Completely white! Fantastic!

Tutor: But it is usual in our parts in winter!

Shirley Short: And in our parts it seldom snows but sometimes rains in December.

Jane Grace: As well as in autumn and spring and even in the summer months.

Tony Roman: I hate rain.

Darcy Palmer: And I hate   frost. It’s rather frosty now, isn’t it? I have woolen socks and warm boots on, and still my nose is cold. I’m shivering with cold, I wish I had my fir coat on now instead of this anorak.

Rihcard Smith: You, girls, are so soft.

Darcy Palmer: And I know a boy who is always complaining of something.

Tutor: You’d better stop arguing and button up your coats arid put up your collars and hoods, so you don’t catch a cold. By the way, the best way to get warm is to play snowballs.

Children: Hurrah!  Let’s play snow­balls,

Tutor: And I suggest we pop into this shop first.

Darcy Palmer: I see it is called “Mir” which is the  Russian for “peace”, isn’t it?

Tutor: You are really bright, Darcy. But the Russian word «Mиp» has another meaning. So this shop is called the “Chil­dren’s World”.

Darcy Palmer: I see. Let’s go in.

Dorothy Fox: Oh, what a wonderful Christmas tree! It is deco­rated with silver rain and ici­cles, golden cones and other decorations. And posters are fixed everywhere: “Happy New Year to you!”, “Our best wishes for the coming year!”.

Mary Fair: Ah! Look! Santa Claus with a huge bag of presents under the fir-tree!

Tutor: We call him Father Frost. And the pretty fair-haired girl by him is the Snow Maiden. They are the most popular characters in Rus­sian folk tales.

Jane Grace: And where do they sell dolls here, I wonder?

Tutor: Dolls are sold in that de­partment.

Jane Grace: Oh, my! I’ve never seen such a beauty. Please give that doll with long wavy blue hair, big blue eyes and a pink bow.

Shop assistant: Here you are, my dear. Her name is Malvina. She is from the tale «The Little Golden Key».

Jane Grace: I’d like to buy it for my younger sister. How much is it?

Shop assistant: Six hundred roubles.

Jane Grace: It isn’t too dear, is it?

Shop assistant: No, it isn’t, It’s quite cheap. You can pay at the cashier’s over there.

William Wind: Look who is here! Pinocchio, my darling! Please!/give me that good-looking boy with a charming sunny smile. We made friends with him when I was small,

Tutor: In this country we call him Buratino. And he is loved by every boy and girl. Here you are.

William Wind: My sweetest Pinocchio, I know your nose is too long, your mouth is too big, your arms and legs are thin and you look funny. But I love you dearly in spite of all.

Dorothy Fox: I like it here. Do you?

Chorus: Sure we do!

Presenter 2: It was fantastic! You must be a real Fairy, Adel! Who taught you to do magic tricks?

Presenter 1: It’s my secret. I won’t tell anybody about it. The only thing I can tell you, that there’s nothing impossible in this life and all the dreams come true if you really wish it. For example, Mahsum wants to learn how to dance the waltz. I hope he will definitely succeed in it!

Max: You know, Jack, I’m dreaming  to learn to dance the waltz . My Granny says it is a dance for all times, always up-to-date. What if I ask Betty to in­struct me? She is in a dancing hobby group.

Jack: The waltz is out-of-date. I bet she can’t dance it. But to make up for it, she can dance lambada, I’m sure.

Max: Can she? Then maybe I’ll learn both the waltz and lambada from her.

Jack: Maybe rain, maybe snow, maybe yes, maybe no.

Max: Want a bet I’ll learn them?

Jack: We’ll live and see. Bye! Till tomorrow.

Max and Jack discuss dances. Then Ann teaches Max how to dance the waltz.

Ann: Max, put your left hand on my hip. That’s right! Put your right hand like this.

That’s ok! Now step back. Now turn around. That’s great! We may dance to music then!

Ann and Max are dancing the waltz.

Ann: Max, I hope you’ll become a great ballet dancer one day!

Presenter 2: If he has such a talented dance-teacher as Ann Romanova he is sure to become as famous as Rudolf Nureev! Good luck, Ann and Max!

All children love cartoons. Do you like cartoons? The cartoon “Just Let Me Catch you, Hare! You have always been up to date. Let’s switch on our TV set and enjoy it again!

3 students perform a scene from the cartoon.

The Wolf  chases the Hare. The Hare passes through the door which remains open behind him. The Wolf runs after him at a full speed.

Wolf (shouts): Just let me catch you, Hare!

Before the Wolf reaches the door it shuts suddenly and the Wolf bumps into it – bang! The sound of his head’s cracking can be heard. He falls nearly dead. Now he is lying on the floor with his eyes closed. He is groaning piteously. The door opens slightly. The Hare is peeping in and then coming in.

Hare: Poor thing! I’m sorry for you. Must we remain enemies for ever? No. We can’t put up with this enmity. Now the idea of peace is overcoming all bad habits everywhere. If only we could put an end to this enmity. Oh! I’ve got an idea! Returns in a white doctor’s smock and a cap.

Wolf opens his eyes to get up but faints again. He’s groaning.

Hare: Now, now, dear. You should be patient. You should be reasonable and lie quiet. I’ll look after you. I’ll paint your bruises with iodine, bandage your head, give pain-killer and you will get better little. You will feel well very soon.

Some days passed.

Wolf: You have been nursing me all these days. You’ve healed my head. You’ve softened my heart. Your little hands are so tender. You are so kind. You are an angel.

Hare: I am not. But I dream to be your friend.

Wolf: Oh, I’d be happy to make friends with you.

Hare (takes off his cap): Here I am, your faithful, reliable friend:

Wolf (recognizes the Hare): Ah, Hare!? A friend in need is a friend indeed. Just you let me hug you, Hare! (They start dancing the tango).

Presenter 2: Wolf, do you still want to catch the Hare?

Wolf: Just let me catch you, Hare! (Start chasing again).

Presenter 1: I think that Wolf and Hare were the last participants of our contest “Golden Mask”.

Presenter 2: Dear jury, we are looking forward to the results.

The jury announces the results of the contest “GOLDEN MASK”, give the main prize and diplomas for the best performers and theatre groups.

Использованная литература: Филиппов.“HALLO, FRIENDS”. М., Просвещение, 1996.

Резеда Латыпова, учитель английского языка гимназии №2 города Октябрьский Республики Башкортостан

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