
Активизация использования в речи учащихся количественных числительных по теме «Соревнование подростков». Урок-проект английского языка в 7 классе

Цели: закрепление пройденного материала на основе использования ИКТ технологии и проектной методики по теме «Проблемы подростков»; создание образовательной среды, способствующей максимальному усвоению пройденного материала, создание проектных работ.

Тип урока: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков с применением ИКТ.   Задачи    – обучающие: 1)      развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи; 2) совершенствовать навыки аудирования, навыки работы с полученной информацией; умение систематизировать материал; 3)      повышение уровня учебной мотивации учащихся.   – воспитательные: 1)      расширить интерес учащихся к предмету при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий; 2)      воспитывать любовь к родному краю; 3)      воспитывать аккуратность, терпение, усидчивость.   – развивающие:      1)                 развивать творческое воображение; 2)                 развивать информационное мышление школьников; 3)                 формировать информационно-коммуникационной компетентности; 4)                 способствовать развитию навыков развернутого монологического высказывания с опорой на созданную презентацию; 5)                 развивать творческие способности учащихся посредством создания рисунков в графических редакторах; 6)                 развивать память, внимание, самостоятельность.   Используемые приемы, методы, технологии обучения: технология развития критического мышления посредством чтения и письма, элементы кейс метода, элементы проектной методики.   УМК Биболетовой М.З.   Методы обучения: частично-поисковый, объяснительно-иллюстративный.   Приёмы:  «Продолжи фразу», «Использование видеоклипа», «Обсуждение в группе», «Взаимообучение».   Оборудование: мультимедийный компьютер, мультимедийный проектор; ноутбуки 5 шт. (работа в группах), магнитная доска, магниты, флеш карты.   Используемые материалы: карточки с изображением звуков английского языка, распечатка ключевых слов, схемы-опоры для проекта (листы А4).   Ход урока   Teacher: Good morning, dear students! Glad to see you! Let`s start our lesson.  Please answer my questions and then tell us  the topic of our lesson.   1.        How old are you? 2.        How old is your town? 3.        How old is Moscow region? 4.        How old is your school? Look at the blackboard and tell what the  topic of the lesson is. That`s right. We`ll read, speak, listen and write numerals: numbers and dates. And we`ll speak not only about numbers. Let`s see video episode and answer the question what this episode is about.   Ok, guys. Please tell us what this episode is about. You are right. We`ll discuss some teenagers` problems.   I invite you to discuss teenagers` problems, to find ways to solve them. I want you to help them to solve some their problems. What is the main task to do at the lesson? And the main task is to find different ways (points, roads) to solve teenagers` problems and present your mini-projects at the lesson.   By the way who are teenagers?   These are children from 13 till 19. Yes, teenagers or teens. What are they? Please find association to each letter to describe  teens. T – talkative e- emotional e- energetic n – noisy s- successful,  smart.   You are teenagers too. And you are participants of the international teenagers` conference “We live on the same planet”. And the result of the lesson will be your projects that you `ll  present at the end of the lesson.   1.             Этап включения в систему знаний и повторения. Чтение текста. – Guys, we live on the same  planet.  The teenagers of many countries solve their problems different ways and with  different people. Read the text and answer the question: What teenagers` problems does Maria speak about? My name is Maria and I`m a teenager. I was born in 2001 in a small town near Rostov. In fact, children aged 13 to 19 are considered to be teenagers. In my opinion it isn`t easy to be a teenager. Boys and girls often meet their first love when they are teenagers. This type of love can be unhappy. 332,000 teenagers smoke and drink alcohol every day, which is not good at all. They simply don`t know how unhealthy it can be. I think this is the age when parents should keep an eye on their children to help  them overcome such problems. But it is interesting to know that 103,000 children  do sports in different sport clubs every day.  In many countries teenagers have jobs while they are still at school. It is a good way to keep busy. When teenagers do something useful and have interesting hobbies, they are less seen in bad companies. Part –time jobs are a good decision in this situation. In 2014 five thousand teenagers work as volunteers in the Olympic Games in Russia.   2.                  Find the numerals in the text and read them. Ok. Now let`s work in pairs, put the numbers and your names. Act out the dialogues. a)      – ….. do you know how many participants take part in the World teenagers Competition? –          I don`t know exactly. But ……lucky students win the first prize and go to different countries. b)      Do you want to have a part time job,….? –          Yes, it`s a chance in a …………. but I`m busy at school. –          Why? Is  school so difficult? –          For me – yes. You know my English isn`t so good. c)      Hello,….! –          Hi, ….! Would you like to help some teenagers from our school to join to our Drama club? –          Of course, I would like to. I have some ideas how to do it. Come to my place . Let`s take a chance. –            d)        – ……can I ask you some  questions about your family? –          Of course, you can. –          ……., when were you born? –          I was born in…….. –          And what is your address? 3. Подготовка к проектной деятельности. We said about some teenagers problems. What problems do teenagers have? (loneliness, drinking habits, drugs, smoking habits, wrong friendship, family problems, finance problems, love  stress, friendship, conflicts, misunderstanding between them & parents, misunderstanding between them & friend)   They are: family problems, personal problems, school problems. 1- family problems 2 – personal problems 3 – school problems Who can help you in these situations? (They are your friends, parents, teachers and other people) What do we need to show adults our problems? (слайды с изображениями детей в различных сферах их деятельности)   (read some information about teenagers, tell information about yourselves, think about future, to be best, discuss teenager`s problems, write letters, show performances)   That`s true. Today we`ll discuss the projects, write them and do it in your projects. 5 min 4. Работа над проектом. It`s time to do the projects. Please, let`s discuss the plan of the project. Look at the board . We`ll have the plan. I suggest you to use it. But there is something wrong with it. Please, put the points of the plan in correct order. Пункты плана предлагаются вразброс, задание: выстроить логику плана. 1. The title of the project. 2. The main task of my  project. 3. People  around teenagers. 4. Ways to solve teenagers` problems. (by pictures) 5.  Ways to solve teenagers` problems. (by your decisions) 6. Wishes to the participants of the Teenagers` Competition. Teacher: That`s nice. And now we`ll work in groups of  3. We have the plan and words at the blackboard. Your projects will consist of  6 slides. All the information that you need you can find in the file “My presentation” on the desktops of the computers. There you can find: 1. The best title for my  project. 2. The main task. 3. People  around teenagers. 4. Ways to solve teenagers` problems. (by pictures) 5.  Ways to solve teenagers` problems. (by your resolutions) 6. Best wishes. There you have empty presentation for doing project and pictures to put in it. Every group has the leader who can control the work? The speaker who  present the project, and recorder who will write your story in these sheets of paper. 5 min And now let`s work. In 15 minutes you will be ready and we `ll see your projects. Our work will  be good because you are industrious, hard-working, clever  (smart) and creative. Look at the plan. Choose the best title. Write and go on.   Во время подготовки проектов на экране идет запись видеопрезентации, учитель поясняет непонятные моменты в работе учащихся в ходе выполнения проекта. Примерная работа группы – пустые слайды предложенной презентации необходимо заполнить информацией с рабочего стола компьютеров, папка «Моя презентация».   (Таблица «Работа группы над презентацией» – в прикрепленном файле). In 15 minutes we`ll finish our projects.   Учащиеся работают в группах по 3 человека, учитель предлагает учащимся  представить проект(ы) у доски с опорой на текст презентации.   Ok. Let`s present our projects. Group 1,  please. Рефлексия. Now we`ll have some minutes to write down here what  must teenagers do to help friends/ To be an  active teenager is to be……. To sum everything up, I’d like to say  all the problems  teens have  are solvable. You needn’t be afraid of asking for someone’s’ help. I’m sure nobody rejects you. We have good projects because you are a good, industrious,T – talkative, e- emotional, e- energetic, n – noisy, s- successful, sensitive, smart students. I wish you all the best.   Your work today was excellent and your marks are excellent too. Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Be healthy and wealthy! Good-buy!   Использованная литература: М.З.Биболетова, Н.И.Трубанева Учебник английского языка для 7 класса. Титул, 2008. К. Кауфман,  М. Кауфман Учебник английского языка для 9 классаО.В. Захарьина Современные образовательные технологии. Волгоград: Учитель, 2008.Заир – Бек С.И., Муштавинская И.В. Развитие критического мышления на уроке: пособие для учителя.- М.: Просвещение, 2004.- 175 с.Журнал «Коммуникативная методика» №3, 2003 г.   Ирина Морокко, учитель английского языка средней школы №2 города Нарьян-Мара Ненецкого автономного округа

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