Russia was taking the USE tests just a few months ago. This examination is a great challenge for both students and parents. Some view the USE as a stress machine that is intended to drive all participants over the edge. Let us demystify the USE and prove that the Moscow Center for Quality of Education will help all schoolchildren through any exams and save the nerves of both children and parents.
Reference boxThis year, 84,657 students took the unified state exam (USE). The mot popular subject was social science selected by 58% of students. 34% took the English language exam, 22% – physics, and 20% – history. This year, the number of school leavers who got the highest score – 81 to 100 – grew in number. High grades increased by 1,100 to reach 39,200 compared to 2016. Five Moscow’s graduates got 300 scores in three subjects. The State Final Examination (SFE) also showed good outcomes. More than 45% passed SFE-9 with the highest four and five grades. The Moscow Center for Quality of Education (MCQE) holds the USE throughout the year. It is offered as the test opportunity. The procedure exactly simulates a real exam. There are cameras and metal detectors that prevent anyone to sneak with a mobile or use prompts. This is a great opportunity to test your knowledge and nerves. Such exam is also held for parents and teachers.The MCQE experts hold the «100-score USE» program for the second year. Children and teachers create their own projects to share their life-hacks about passing the exam. This may be videos, slide shows, drawings, info-graphics, whatever. The main purpose is to share secrets that will help all participants in the education program to pass the state final examination seamlessly with high performance and get the highest grades.The annual contest «100-score USE» is held for the second year. This time sponsors received more than 1,000 applications. The feedback was not only from teachers, parents, and school leavers, but also from junior students who are not the first-time contest participants.The contest identified the best applications in three nominations: «Video», «Text», and «Slide Show».The winner in the «Text» nomination was Ivan Survillo, a student of school 1231. He used his own recommendations to pass successfully the literature test.- I used the method I described in my article to prepare for the literature exam. My main advice is to draw a plan. You need it to understand your own actions at all times when you are preparing for the exam. I had a clear plan, which I tried to follow exactly, – the winner said.The first prize in the «Presentation/Infographics» nomination was awarded to Ildar Khusainov, a computer skills teacher at school 1034, and his 5A grade pupils. They called their presentation «Your Mobile is your Friend in Life and your Foe at the Exam». The children advised their peers to start preparing for the USE in advance (the earlier the better). And – as a must – test their knowledge in the Independent Testing Center at the MCQE. Don’t even try to cheat or smuggle your phone at the exam. Think well before giving your answer.Those who plan to take the USE in the German language may use a piece of advice form Larisa Dvorzhetskaya, a teacher of German at school 1222. She was the winner in the «Video» nomination.- Distribute your energy into three periods (before, during, and after the exam). Regularly do your training exercises and tests and consult your teachers. Give yourself some rest from the preparation, for example, watch films in German. Be sure to visit special psychological training courses. Do not revise for exams and do not get worried at the last moment before the exam as your stress may prevent you from success. Highlight the key words of the assignment and do not put down the whole answer on your draft paper, outline only the key theses, – the teacher said.All pieces of advice related to preparation for the USE will be posted in the public online page of the Moscow Center for Quality of Education.Galina Svechkopalova,Head of Department MCQE